SiteBuddy Review: New Favorite Amazon Associates Tool

mushfiq sarker

I’ve been waiting for a tool like this. As you grow websites, specifically Amazon-focused, you realize that Amazon’s product goes out of stock, you have broken links, and missing Amazon tags.

I buy websites regularly. In such situations, I immediately search and replace my Amazon tag with the current tag for the old owner. However, in the past, there was no way for me to make sure each product is in stock, or if they are broken.

SiteBuddy fixes all of that for website builders and investors! I’ve been using SiteBuddy in beta mode for a few weeks now and love it. It’s open from beta now to all users.

Let’s get to the review!

SiteBuddy Review: Hands-On

SiteBuddy is a simple tool. The site scans every page on your site, takes the Amazon links, cross-checks if the product ID (i.e., ASIN) is in stock, and cross-checks if the link has missing tags or is broken.

Fairly simple! A report is available to you every week in Excel format.

I use the service as follows:

  • Register my domains with SiteBuddy
  • Run the reports
  • Download the Excel reports
  • Send it to my VA to fix all links (or you can DIY it)

Missing Tags on Affiliate Links

Have you ever or your VAs placed Amazon links and forgot to add tags. If you are manually adding links (not using AAWP for example), this is common.

SiteBuddy analyzes each link to find missing tags

Here is a report generated this week for one of my sites:

missing amazon affiliate tags via Sitebuddy

I have 67 missing tags (i.e., my amazon associate tag is missing).

I immediately can download the Excel report and send it to my team (or DIY) to fix.


Out of Stock Products

This one is a pain. Products go out of stock regularly. Most Amazon Associates plugins (like AAWP) do not notify you nor do they redirect people to the next best product.

The users get sent to the out-of-stock page and may bounce away.

SiteBuddy scans each link to check the stock status and notifies you.

Here are the number of out of stock products on my site:

Sitebuddy out of stock products

I have 369 products out of stock. I can download the Excel report to see exactly which ones are out of stock:

https3A2F2Fbucketeer e05bbc84 baa3 437e 9518 adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com2Fpublic2Fimages2F295778a1 bb66 4344 bd18

The tool gives me the page where the product it’s out of stock and the ASIN of the product. A VA (or yourself) can fix this up fairly quickly!

That’s it!

The tool is simple. Nothing gimmicky about it. The tool pays for itself fairly quickly.

Let’s talk pricing.

SiteBuddy Pricing

SiteBuddy gives you a free trial of 25 pages where they will provide reports on a monthly basis. If you need more pages (which most of us do), the cost is $12/month per site.

Here is what you get:

sitebuddy pricing review

I have all of my sites on the Pro plan. I’ve already found so many links on my big sites that I’ve most likely recovered 5x the monthly payment.

Try SiteBuddy Now!

It’s a no brainer if you have Amazon sites. Saves time and generates more revenue at a low monthly price.

Let me know if any questions!

mushfiq sarker

Analyzed by Mushfiq Sarker

Mushfiq has been buying, growing, and selling website assets since 2008. His first exit was in 2010. Since then, he has done 218+ website flips with multiple 6-figure exits. He is the founder of The Website Flip. Check out all Mushfiq's articles, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

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